"Visions In REM" Acrylic Art Design

The "Visions In REM" Acrylic Art Design

Follow the journey of an Intergalactic traveler on the Federation Star Ship Utopia. Throughout his fantastic experiences, he records his travels by creating acrylic art pieces that describe what he views.

This log entry is titled, Visions In REM.

"It has been a very long journey and billions of light years between. We're heading home for some recuperation time, as the Captain puts it. I think it's because we're only a couple thousand light years from Earth, basically a hop, skip and a jump for our ship. After our last passage through one of the galaxy gunnels near the Federation Station Kepler, lately I've been resting very well with wonderful visions in REM sleep that's like the Universe was reading me a bed time story."

Visions In REM Acrylic Art Design by Cameron Creations Ltd.