"Galaxious Utopious" Acrylic Art Design

The "Galaxious Utopious" Acrylic Art Design

Follow the journey of an Intergalactic traveler on the Federation Star Ship Utopia. Throughout his fantastic experiences, he records his travels by creating acrylic art pieces that describe what he views.

This log entry is titled, Galaxious Utopious.

"This is one of the portals we learned about in training school. Galaxious Utopious, the most powerful portal in all existence...in all the verses and dimensions. It was this portal that made me want to join the Federation and be on the Star Ship Utopia...to be the best, you have to be with the best. Traversing through this portal is like none other. The power and immense gratitude and love you feel, no wonder the Federation names our Star Ship, Utopia."

Galaxious Utopious Acrylic Art Design by Cameron Creations Ltd.