"Frog Tree" Acrylic Art Design
The "Frog Tree" Acrylic Art Design
Follow the journey of an Intergalactic traveler on the Federation Star Ship Utopia. Throughout his fantastic experiences, he records his travels by creating acrylic art pieces that describe what he views.
This log entry is titled, Frog Tree.
"While on a minerals recovery mission, in layman's terms, we are running low on certain resources like food, and believe it or not, toilet paper. Yes, we still use it in the 4th century. While we were guiding our shuttle pod through one of the forests of Treeantelous when saw a group of, well, what we would call, Trees. We landed the pod in a safe area and gathered our gear. I was the first to leave the pod, yea I know, Safety First. In this case, I wasn't too keen on that phrase. Once I stepped out on the forest ground, I heard voices speaking to me, inviting us to come in. I didn't hear them with my ears by with my mind. I removed my foot placement and the voices were gone. Then I placed my foot back again, and there is was. So, I decided to place both feet down and get it done. What an experience we had that day, roaming around the forest, inspecting all the trees while they spoke to us, telling us their stories. It was a little freaky, but so, so cool."